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On June 2, 2023, the Commission for Personal Data Protection in Bulgaria held practical training for students of the "Law" and "International Relations" majors at the Faculty of Law and History of the SWU "Neofit Rilski".

The students were introduced to the activities and organization of the Commission for Personal Data Protection and the work of its specialized directorates by the respective managers. The presentation focused on the proceedings before the CPDP. Concrete cases from the practice of implementing cooperation and coherence mechanisms, as well as the overall activity of the European Data Protection Committee, were the object of attention of the young participants.

The participating students were presented with certificates for successful completion of the practical training personally by the chairman of CPDP - Mr. Vencislav Karadjov.

The practical training was carried out as a natural continuation of the course studied by the students "Protection of personal data in the EU and third countries" under project No. 101047808 with the name "European Data Protection: Post pandemic effects and New Dimensions" (EDP-PPEND), which implemented with the financial support of the Erasmus + Program 2021-2027, an action under the Jean Monnet initiative in the field of higher education.

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1 Georgi Izmirliev Sq


+359 73 88 66 17
