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А. Basic literature:

1.         Cortez, Elif. Data Protection Around the World – Privacy Laws in Action. T.M.C. Asser Press Springer, 1stedition, (November 21, 2020).

2.         Mali, Prashant. GDPR Articles With Commentary & EU Case Laws.CyberInfomedia, 2019.

3.         Marin, Nikolay. EU-US relations on the transfer of personal data after the Shrems II decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Annual Journal of the Academy of the Ministry of the Interior, Sofia, 2023.

4.         Marin, Nikolay. The independent supervision performed by the Commission for personal data protection in the determination of personal data illegal processing and leak. Police Faculty Bulletin, 2023.

1.         Александров, Андрей. Защита на личните данни на работниците и служителите. ИК ,,Труд и право‘‘, София, 2016.

2.         Тошкова-Николова, Десислава и Фети, Невин. Защита на личните данни. ИК ,,Труд и право“, София, 2020.

3.         Тошкова-Николова, Десислава и Фети, Невин. Прилагане на защитата на личните данни. Методики, препоръки и практически стъпки. ИК ,,Труд и право“, София, 2020.

4.         Целков, Веселин. Петков, Деян. Георгиев, Пламен и Средков, Георги. Защита на данните - Принципи и практики. Нова Звезда, София, 2020.

5.         Марин, Николай и Янчев, Августин. Нарушенията на сигурността на личните данни като основно предизвикателство за националната сигурност. Право, политика, администрация, том 8, брой 2/2021г., с.1-8. линк:

6.         Белова, Габриела. Марин, Николай. Георгиева, Гергана. Кочев, Йосиф. Нови моменти в защитата на личните данни в Европейския съюз. Научни трудове на Института за държавата и правото, брой XVI от 2017 г. с. 54-64.


B. Additional literature:

1.         Burri,  Mira. Big Data and Global Trade Law. Cambridge University Press, July 2021, DOI: .

2.         Coppel, Philip. Information Rights. A Practitioner's Guide to Data Protection, Freedom of Information and Other Information Rights. Hart Publishing, 11 Jun 2020, 5th edition.

3.         Fabbrini, Federico. Celeste, Edoardo & Quinn, John. Data Protection Beyond Borders. Transatlantic Perspectives on Extraterritoriality and Sovereignty. Hart Publishing, 11 Feb 2021.

4.         Fahey,  Elaine. The EU as a Global Digital Actor. Institutionalising Global Data Protection, Trade, and Cybersecurity. Hart Publishing, 08 Sep 2022, 1st edition.

5.         Gregory, Peter. CDPSE Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer. McGraw Hill; 1st edition (March 17, 2021).

6.         Hallinan, Dara. Leenes, Ronald & Paul De Hert. Data Protection and Privacy, Volume 13, Data Protection and Artificial Intelligence. Hart Publishing, 2021, 1st edition.

7.         Hallinan, Dara. Leenes, Ronald & Paul De Hert. Data Protection and Privacy, Volume 14,  Enforcing Rights in a Changing World. Hart Publishing, 16 Dec 2021, 1st edition.

8.         Solove, Daniel J. Schwartz. Paul M. Consumer Privacy and Data Protection. (Aspen Casebook Series) 3rd Edition. Wolters Kluwer; 3rd edition, November 23, 2020.

9.         Solove, Daniel J. Schwartz. Paul M. EU Data Protection and the GDPR (Aspen Casebook Series). Wolters Kluwer, November 23, 2020.

10.       Solove, Daniel J. Schwartz. Paul M. Information Privacy Law (Aspen Casebook). Wolters Kluwer, 7th edition, November 18, 2020.

11.       Tzanou, Maria. Health Data Privacy under the GDPR: Big Data Challenges and Regulatory Responses (Routledge Research in the Law of Emerging Technologies). Routledge, 24 Nov. 2020, 1st edition.

12.       Tzanou, Maria. The Fundamental Right to Data Protection. Normative Value in the Context of Counter-Terrorism Surveillance. Hart Publishing, 31 Oct 2019.

13.       European View, Europe’s digital future: Navigating opportunities and challenges, Volume 20, number 2, autumn 2021, Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, link:

14.       Csernatoni, Raluca. The technology challenge in the transatlantic relationship, European View, 2021, Vol. 20(2) p. 157–165, DOI: 10.1177/17816858211059251 ,

15.       Czarnocki, Jan. Saving EU digital constitutionalism through the proportionality principle and a transatlantic digital accord. European View, 2021, Vol. 20(2) p. 150–156, DOI: 10.1177/17816858211055522 , 

16.       Boni, Michał. The ethical dimension of human–artificial intelligence collaboration. European View, 2021, Vol. 20(2) p. 182–190, DOI: 10.1177/17816858211059249 ,

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